Day 134 - 140
I've had a busy few weeks lately so my daily drawing project has suffered a bit because of this. I have a couple of exhibitions coming up...
Botanical Art Worldwide exhibition opens in Wellington!
See over 40 works by contemporary botanical artists in our Treehouse Visitor Center. The Ngāi Tipu Taketake - Indigenous Flora exhibition...
Knightia excelsa with Looper Caterpillar reviewed in Ann Kullberg's Color Magazine for Colored P
My Knightia excelsa illustration has been featured in the July issue of Color - Ann Kullberg's magazine for Colored Pencil Artists! Due...
'Botanical Art Worldwide' Ngāi Tipu Taketake – Indigenous Flora
I'm excited to announce that my Knightia excelsa and Metrosideros excelsa illustrations have both been accepted into the New Zealand...
The Edinburgh Society of Botanical Artists (ESBA) annual Christmas Exhibition is on now!
The Edinburgh Society of Botanical Artists annual Christmas Exhibition is on now! These are some of the artworks I have for sale in the...
My Knightia excelsa illustration in coloured pencil is finally finished!
It’s finally finished! Over 120 hours later... This is the New Zealand native Knightia excelsa (Rewarewa) flower, which I enlarged about...
Special merit award in Light, Space & Time art competition
My Aloe Mawii and Knightia excelsa illustrations just won a special merit award in the Light, Space & Time online competition!
Experimenting with larger brush sizes and watercolour washes
I am very much a 'dry brush' kind of girl when it comes to my botanical work. I realised very quickly while working on my RBGE diploma...